TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD closed well. We played largely for sold-out performances (even selling the box seats reserved for the director and guests.), and often received standing ovations. I must admit, I have a good thing going. Because I direct successful plays, I get top actors to audition. And, because I get top actors to audition, I end up directing successful plays. It's not rocket science.
AND, I keep telling myself that's it - I'm done directing. Finished. At least for awhile. Go away. I wanna write something. My wife has a novel coming out soon - a hundred and ten thousand words. And what have I written in the past year?
I truly think I need to get away for awhile. Patterns are far too comfortable here. Juli and I have talked - England would be nice for a while. A little while. No big city. Somewhere peaceful. I could rent a big dog and a pipe. Or perhaps somewhere deep in Normandy. My French is a little rusty, but - since I am American - it's no worse than my English. On the other hand, and for no good reason I can understand - the Brits seem to actually LIKE us. With the French, you never know ...
Gotta do something soon. I'm already scheduled to advise on plays in April and November.
We had a good Easter today (and I hope you did, too.) Ate blackened chicken, potato salad, fire corn (don't ask), fresh croissants, hummus, olives, and tomatoes. Followed this with cheap Mexican beer and ridiculously expensive Starbucks coffee. We completed the afternoon by driving to the park where we were married and making sure "our" tree was still doing well. It is.
Thanks for hanging in there with me while I rant. As always, afterwards I feel better.
On my own, with all of my falls.
11 years ago
I always enjoy your 'rants'. Congratulations on Mockingbird. A novel, very impressive Juli. There are so many lovely places in England you'd be spoilt for choice - but then...I could be biased...on the other hand, it would be great reading your rants on Normandy - decisions, decisions! Whatever you decide to do, keep us posted?
You had to say 'don't ask' I've got to ask now, is fire corn linked to blackened chicken in some unfortunate way?
Of course I will keep you posted. Fire corn is not unfortunate. It is wonderful, depending on the amount of spice you enjoy. (Not unlike southern Indian food.) To be PAINFULLY honest, my wife is a superb cook, but the names of things prompts me to not ask many questions ...
Ok, so which way are you going to jump? Are you going to brave the Brits and polish your English or fool with the French and twist your tongue?
Wow, has it really been 2 months since you posted this? How are the plans going?
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