I am being called again ...
I look over the past few years and realize with a growing clarity that I have missed my mark. I don't know how it happened. My goals certainly were clear enough, and for a period of time I was meeting them on a regular basis.
Perhaps that was the problem. I never had a real struggle - doors always opened for me, and I had a lust for achievement that sent me down a number of most interesting paths.
And I still lean heavily toward those activities in my life that have always been enjoyable, notably, directing stage plays. I joke - and it's true - that the best therapy in the world is to yell at people and constantly tell them where to go ... and they thank me for it. Apparently I have skill to some degree. I have one room filled with awards, certificates, engraved commendations, and on and on and on. Nice, but constantly in need of dusting.
Would you like to know my secret? I'll tell you my secret - actually three secrets. And I will give them to you - no charge.
When you cast a show, bring in the very best people you can find, and then have the good sense to stay out of their way while they do what they are supposed to be good at.
In herding actors around the stage, make pretty pictures with people.
Never ever ever ever bore your audience. Pace a play fast, so that the people watching your production will still have time for a drink or two after the show.
That's it. All my secrets. Now go out there and direct something!
... because I won't. Maybe I'm finally growing up. I went to see a show the other night that had several talented friends in it. I couldn't wait for it to end so I could leave and ... and ...
Ah, the mark I missed. I am directing plays I should be writing. I have a number of works in progress, inching painfully forward. It occurs to me that since I bill myself as a writer, perhaps I should actually take some time and write something.
And there is a chance that I will.
On my own, with all of my falls.
11 years ago
Firstly - phew! you'd been quiet so long I was beginning to worry. Now then, if you went down 'most interesting paths' then you've hardly missed your mark, sounds a good way to have gone, to me. So long as your writing includes this blog, I'm right behind you - a long way behind with a lot of water between, but behind you nonetheless. Go enjoy yourself.
Malmesbury! Don't you know?! You are family. Half the fun of the trip is having you along.
I love this. I hope to see considerably more writing then!
An on-line family, how lovely! So we move from the directing Bunny persona to the writing Cowboy persona? This promises to be interesting.
Yippe yi Oh Kiy yay!
I'm saddlin' up for the ride, too! This is gonna be FUN!
I want to be a writer again too.
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