Why is it we always get together at these strange hours of the night?
I got a new computer - can you tell? I was going to buy one, but a friend who loves me gave me this one, and I've literally spent the entire day moving files and arranging little icons like ducks in a row ... (Now isn't that a silly statement? My mother used to raise ducks, and I'm reasonably sure she never tried to put any of them in a row. An annoyed duck is not a pretty sight.)
Yesterday I finished re-writing the second of three plays I'm contracted to direct. The play is called "Zack," and is set in England in the year 1916. It pretends to be a comedy, but much of the dialog aimed toward and about women was, to me, offensive, so I changed it. I've discovered that I'm strongly in favor of woman's liberation and equality. Some of the better influences in my life have come from truly smart women ... (Unfortunately I didn't marry any of them, but that's a story for another time.)
Tomorrow - later today - I may actually get back to writing on any one of the three plays "in progress" and neatly stored in Documents. Or I may not. I have a small antique cabinet in the basement, partially restored. Maybe I'll partially restore it a bit more,
I had forgotten what it's like to be between shows, The sun still comes up and goes down. My neighborhood is in color - I had forgotten. A squirrel waits for an offering of bread. I think that when a squirrel is not afraid of you, why, that's a pretty wonderful thing.
On my own, with all of my falls.
11 years ago
Ame for simple pleasures
In the 70's Chicago came out with a song titled "twenty-five or six to four". Great song but where did they get the title?
Turns out the writer of the song woke-up in the middle of the night and wrote the song lyrics but had no title. He looked at his wall clock and the large hand was positioned between twenty-five or twenty-six till four am. Since he could not tell the exact time he used both times for what became one of "Chigago's greatest hits.
Thought you would like ths story based on this blog's title.
Let The Fun Begin Jack:).
Your Friend
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