The bad thing about moviing into new digs is, well, moving ...
The good thing is the discovery of new and wonderful things you can do and/or aquire ...
... like a new desk. Or should I say, a really OLD desk - in fact, a 1930's art deco sewing machine cabinet.
This treasure was in the window of a second-hand store. It cried out to me - "Take me," it cried.
And I did. I most certainly did. (After paying for it, of course.)
Being an animal lover, I was pleased when Mother and Son were finally reunited ...
And King Kong finally got his umbrella. Isn't it always a good thing when you can make a gorilla happy?
And the bushes are growing well, despite the indirect lighting. I haven't the heart to tell them they are plastic. Maybe next week ..
And finally there is chair. Isn't it a wonderful thing when your most favorite piece of artwork in the whole world actually sits in one corner of your living room?
I live in a happy house.